My name is Fonda Dickens, and I enjoy encouraging clients to meet their fitness goals. I have a huge belief that, “Mind over Matter,” is a great philosophy when it comes to physical fitness. I love watching people surprise themselves reaching goals that they once felt were unreachable.
Many of these same road blocks intimidated me for years. As a busy mother, I found that I easily neglected myself and would say, “ I will start training again tomorrow.” These days went on and I realized I was missing something.
Once I discovered personal training and group fitness again I began reaching my fitness goals. I quickly became addicted. I realized I was less stressed and a better mother when I had consistent workout time. I also wanted to be fit for my children so that I could play with them and hopefully influence them to have an active, healthy lifestyle as well.
Ultimately, I knew it was my obligation to my family. I believe a healthy lifestyle is a positive habit that can be created for anyone with the right support, mind set, and motivation. It only takes 90 days to create a good habit!
When training, I like to incorporate the whole body approach. I enjoy mixing cardio intervals, resistance training and functional training with plyometrics to give the best possible results. I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor, and I am certified by Les Mills Body Pump, TRX, and Pilates.